Friday, August 5, 2011

Pepperidge Farms ‘Fresh Ideas’ Female Only Panel Wants You

This one is for the FEMALES out there!
Please share your thoughts with us on our product ideas and offerings. By sharing your opinions with us you are eligible for monthly giveaways!’
Your ideas are important!
That is why Fresh Ideas would like to invite you to joinan exciting new panel designed to collect women’s thoughts and feedback regarding food and what you are looking for in the foods you choose for yourself and for others, such as your family and friends.
You just have to answer a few questions (about 10) and then they will let you know if you fit the profile to be included on the panel!  if you are, they will ask for your email address 2x and then you are in!
By answering the 1 -2  surveys, on average, they have a month, you are entered to win a giveaway up to $200!
Let me know what you think!


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